The Steuben County Soil and Water Conservation District was created on December 15, 1948, by a referendum of the people. Their desire was to establish a Conservation District that would be a singular force to ensure that the natural resources of their community would be used wisely and be there for future generations.
The District is a subdivision of State Government — an independent body formed under, and subject only, to the Indiana Soil and Water Conservation District Law. The boundaries of a Soil and Water Conservation District in Indiana are by County.
By law, the District is responsible for leadership in the conservation and development of the natural resources in Steuben County. The District carries out its role by analyzing needs and developing a long-range plan aimed at solving problems of soil and water conservation.
The overall concept and real key to the success of a Soil and Water Conservation District is self-government. The District, through its leading role, seeks out technical, educational, and financial assistance from various organizations and agencies of government, and, as a result, becomes the facilitator for land users. It is, however, the individual land users who physically apply conservation and take care of the natural resources on a voluntary basis.
View the Steuben County SWCD story video here.