Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC – 8) Watersheds
Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUC) are part of a nationally recognized system of numbering the watersheds of the United States. Think of it as an address for a particular watershed. The lower the number of digits in a HUC, the larger the watershed.
Water that falls and flows through Steuben County eventually drains into the Great Lakes Basin through one of two (HUC – 8) watersheds, which are called Major Watersheds. These two watersheds have then been divided into HUC-10 watersheds, or Primary Watersheds.
The Western Lake Erie (East), indicated by the blue outline area, flows through Fort Wayne, IN on its way to drain into Lake Erie.
The Southeastern Lake Michigan (West), indicated in the pink outline area, flows through South Bend, IN on its way to drain into Lake Michigan.