Do you know how many gallons of water are needed to produce a gallon of milk? You’ll find these answers plus many more interesting facts about water at the traveling Smithsonian Water/Ways display at Carnegie Public Library in Angola. Through July 17, visit the library during regular hours (plus Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m.) to explore how water impacts our planet. The display also includes colorful panels highlighting water systems in Steuben County. Water/Ways is free to the public.
The Steuben County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Augmented Reality Sandbox (ARS) Unit is also on display. The ARS unit is a fun educational tool that combines 3D visualization with a hands-on exhibit to teach earth science concepts. There are additional educational activities geared toward children and they can go home with a free copy of “A Seriously Silly Story of a Waterdrop’s Journey.” Read more about the local display at