The Steuben County SWCD received a grant from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Lake and River Enhancement (LARE) program. These grants provide cost-share and incentive payments to landowners or long-term lease holders to apply or construct best management practices on their land that reduce the amount of sediment and nutrients entering our area waterbodies such as the Fawn River.
Eligible practices include blind tile inlets, critical area plantings, field windbreaks, filter strips, grade stabilization structures, grassed waterways, livestock watering facilities, pasture and hay plantings, streambank protection, tree plantings, and waste management systems, among others.
If you are interested learning more about cost-share opportunities for the LARE Fawn River grant, please contact the Steuben SWCD office at (260) 665-3211 ext. 3 for more information.